I’ve never outgrown wanting to please my parents and make them proud of me. Parental affirmation is a powerful force in the life of any child at any age. We can be our kids’ greatest cheerleaders and help forge their confidence, or criticize their every fault and wear them down with negativity.
With my mom now gone from this life and my dad in his 80s, I realize the window for me to receive such parental affirmation is closing. That’s what makes this note from my dad so special. He had already purchased 7 copies of my new book…he has specific people in mind to give them to. Then, after power reading it, usually while in the bathtub, he writes, “I’m going to buy more Bible books. Fantastic.”
Fantastic. With just a word, a year’s worth of work has been affirmed by a man who helped launch me into this world—a man whose opinion matters. I feel about 15 feet tall this morning, and got up at 5 a.m. to work on the next book.
Can I make a suggestion? In addition to whatever gifts you plan to give your kids this holiday, add one more…some affirmation. Tell them you love them…not just for what they do but for who they are. Tell them you’re proud of them. Point out areas of growth you’ve seen in 2018. They might outwardly become a little embarrassed, but I promise you their soul is drinking it up. Other voices matter, but you’re the parent. Your voice booms. Don’t miss the opportunity to tell your kids they are, well, fantastic.