“Are they servants of Christ? I am a better one—I am talking like a madman—with far greater labors, far more imprisonments, with countless beatings, and often near death. Five times I received at the hands of the Jews the forty lashes less one. Three times I was beaten with rods. Once I was stoned. Three times I was shipwrecked; a night and a day I was adrift at sea; on frequent journeys, in danger from rivers, danger from robbers, danger from my own people, danger from Gentiles, danger in the city, danger in the wilderness, danger at sea, danger from false brothers; in toil and hardship, through many a sleepless night, in hunger and thirst, often without food, in cold and exposure.” – 2 Corinthians 11:23-27
Nicholas Moore, like other military warriors and first responders, was trained to “run to the sound of the guns.” Training is necessary because the notion is counterintuitive. Our instincts are to run away from the sound of gunfire. We naturally want to escape the burning house rather than enter it. Putting oneself in harm’s way—a counterintuitive action—requires training and courage.
Nicholas Moore had both. He served over a decade in an elite special operations unit within the US Army’s 75th Ranger Regiment on the battlefields of Afghanistan and Iraq. In Iraq, he “participated in the rescue of Private Jessica Lynch, hunted Iraq’s Most Wanted, and experienced brutal street combat, including 160 night-time missions over one 90-day deployment in the insurgent stronghold of Mosul. While serving in Afghanistan, he was also part of the search and rescue operation for Navy SEAL Marcus Luttrell (author of Lone Survivor) and was on the ground again when a Chinook helicopter was shot down resulting in the death of 38 men and one military working dog. It was the single greatest loss of special operations personnel to date.”
Moore tells his riveting and deeply personal story in the appropriately named book, Run to the Sound of the Guns. Readers gain insight on what inspires someone like him to go in the direction of trouble, rather than retreat. Through training and sheer guts, men and women like Nicholas Moore are wired differently than others.
The Apostle Paul, as we learn in the opening passage, possessed similar, counterintuitive instincts. After all the suffering he endured, I wouldn’t have blamed him for wanting to dial back his ministry. I would have understood him curtailing risky activities that brought him pain. Instead, Paul, like Nicholas Moore, repeatedly ran toward the sound of the guns. In 2 Corinthians 12:10, Paul provides his motivation: “For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong.”
The most effective Christians I know are the ones who run toward the sound of the guns. One couple adopted a “high risk” child that no one else wanted. Another couple gives up all that is comfortable and familiar to serve as missionaries in a poverty-stricken, third-world country. Others invest in troubled teens, forgotten prisoners, and homeless addicts—people too often neglected due to the high level of difficulty involved. Instinctively, most would prefer to adopt a healthy, well-adjusted child (and there’s goodness in that). If we evangelize at all, better to do so in a safe, middle-class neighborhood. Less potential for gunfire, right?
I want to live counterintuitively. My goal is to be more like Nicholas Moore or, better yet, the Apostle Paul. I want to be involved in ministries that most are unwilling to do. Like Paul, I want to draw strength from hardship and persecution. I want to take risks and take chances for God. I don’t want to appear before Jesus on Judgement Day and hear, “Wow, Steve, you sure played it safe! Didn’t you realize I was right beside you in all those battles you avoided?”
After all Jesus did for us, let’s be bold and courageous. It’s time to get our hands dirty in ministry. It’s time to run toward the sound of the guns!
Miss Cooky (with a y) Lundy has seen a lot in her 83 years—she’ll be 84 on Halloween. The Senior Saint has endured open heart surgery, the installation of a pacemaker, blood sugar issues and, two years ago, a broken leg. Ever since Covid arrived, she’s felt the need to listen to worship services on her car’s radio while sitting in the church parking lot. She’s estranged from her only child, two grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren, and lost her beloved husband Paul eight years ago.
Her scars run even deeper. According to Jenna Fairbrother, a first-time volunteer with the Churches of Christ Disaster Response Team (DRT), Miss Cooky carries considerable baggage. “I was blessed to spend the day with Miss Cooky—my first DRT assignment. She’s originally from Fort Pierce, Florida. She and her twin were the youngest of six siblings, but her twin died at nine months, around the same time as her father. She never knew either of them. She was abused by her mom and grew up thinking the wrong twin had died. Her mother didn’t push back on that narrative and said young Cooky ‘wasn’t valuable.'”
Miss Cooky’s low self-esteem improved some when she fell in love with and married Paul Lundy, the love of her life. Their relationship was partly motivated by Cooky’s desire to get away from her family who wanted to have her committed. Paul was a trucker and the mechanically-minded Cooky helped him maintain his semis. Their first few years were rough because, as Cooky puts it, “He didn’t know how to love me. That took time.”
The two moved from Florida to Valdosta, Georgia, nearly 40 years ago and purchased a house that was built in 1863. All of its pieces were hand cut and her husband remodeled the home—added plumbing, installed a bathroom, and made other improvements. The couple lived there together for over 30 years, secluded in a forest, and filled the place with memories. Sadly, he died eight years ago and Miss Cooky’s world was once again turned upside down.
“I used to sit on the front porch and watch the road, waiting for my husband to come home. And finally, I had to tell myself, ‘Cooky, he’s not coming home. He’s gone. You’ve got to get your life together and go on with it.’”
Cooky’s attempts to move on with her life were dealt another blow when Hurricane Helene roared through town on Friday, September 27, 2024. Helene, the deadliest hurricane to strike the mainland U.S. since Katrina in 2005, took the lives of 228 people (and counting) in the United States, including 33 in Georgia. In Valdosta, terrifying winds of 100+ mph ripped off roofs, mangled metal, and tore up signs. More than 115 structures were severely damaged or destroyed.
Sadly, Miss Cooky’s home was not spared. The awful storm dropped a 42-inch-wide tree on top of her house, crushing her kitchen. The impact destroyed her roof and drove some of the piers that hold up her house deeper into the ground. She was home at the time but, thankfully, God spared her life.
In the immediate aftermath of the storm, Miss Cooky once again became depressed. No one from her local congregation showed up to help her. (In their defense, the storm knocked out power and wreaked havoc on nearly everyone, so there was a lot of scrambling going on in those first couple of days.) Eventually, an unnamed team arrived to remove the tree and jack up the floor beams to level the house again.
She also heard through the grapevine that the Churches of Christ Disaster Response Team was helping storm victims in the area. When she heard that they could rebuild her kitchen and roof for free, she assumed it was a scam. She contacted a member of her church family who did some research and concluded DRT was legit.
John Albright, a DRT Coordinator for the past eight years, visited Miss Cooky with the necessary paperwork and got a tour of her damaged home. He told her, “We can do this, and it won’t cost you a thing. I’ll have the lumber here tomorrow and will line up a crew. DRT can tear down that wing of the house and rebuild the kitchen and roof and make it whole again.”
Miss Cooky frowned. She explained that her late husband had put his heart and soul into that home. It was, in a sense, an 1860’s shrine to him. It represents him in a very real way to her. She didn’t want anyone removing the remnants of her kitchen. That would be like taking her husband away again.
The DRT crew arrived a couple of days later and determined that they could save her walls. They chained those walls to a truck and pulled them forward to attach to new beams. They added new braces and ceiling joints. In the end, the DRT crew saved two-thirds of the original walls, clapboard siding, and even the square vintage nails. Seeing the finished product, Miss Cooky was more than a little chipper.
She told John, “Before the storm, I was feeling depressed and helpless and down. And y’all just showed up out of nowhere. My friends are telling me that what I’m seeing is an outpouring of love from God and I need to recognize it. Y’all are just like angels God has sent to me. You have healed my body and healed my mind and I feel so much better… because you guys are here helping me.”
John, recalling a devo that morning from Ephesians 2:10, told her, “Miss Cooky, we are God’s workmanship—His very best creation. He was at the top of His game when He made humankind. And He made us for a purpose—to do good works, which He has prepared in advance for us to do.” About that time, a gentleman from Miss Cooky’s church stopped by to donate to DRT. “Y’all are helping Miss Cooky, so we want to help you.” Another unexpected blessing in a week full of them.
After spending time with Miss Cooky, Jenna said, “DRT taught her how to give and receive love. Before that, she was only good at giving love. I can relate to that. I have my own family baggage, and I’m in therapy… I don’t mind you sharing that. I’m working through the 12-step program. One of my issues is allowing myself to receive love. I’m better at dealing with other’s trauma and emotions than my own. Maybe God called me to serve in Valdosta so I could meet, encourage, and be encouraged by Miss Cooky.”
John added, “Prior to the storm, she felt worthless. We have touched this woman and we have brought her back from the emotional brink and that is so much of what we want to do. The devo that morning gave me just the right words to say to her. That’s not coincidence. That’s God at work. And He’s at work all the time. I’m telling you, Steve, God’s at work here and it’s super obvious to me. You can’t mistake it.”
Another DRT group from Pennsylvania visited Miss Cooky and learned that her refrigerator was malfunctioning. She said, “Even before the storm, it wasn’t working right. After a few days, my food got slimy. I haven’t been eating too much.” She told Jenna she had lost 15 pounds over the past few weeks. She apologized for not having her teeth in because her dentures no longer fit her mouth. So, the Pennsylvania team bought her a new refrigerator and a hot plate. Problem solved.
Cooky & Jenna
John, tearing up, commented, “These are the things you hope for. I come here and pray and ask God for things, but I don’t always see the results. The people we help may not have an epiphany until later, if at all. She’d been real upset—thought her church had forgotten her. Thought the world had forgotten her. Thought she had no value. I think we helped change that perspective and that’s about as rewarding as it gets. As I said goodbye to her…” John wiped his eyes again and gathered himself. “She handed me a memento—a square nail from her home.”
Before Jenna departed, Miss Cooky asked her, “Is it too late for me?”
“No, ma’am. You can always learn to receive love—I’m learning that lesson now, just like you. It’s hard to fill another person’s cup from an empty cup.”
“I’m almost 84 and alone. Do you think I still have a purpose?”
“I know God has a purpose for your life, Miss Cooky. There’s a reason he spared you from that storm. Just today, you’ve had a wonderful impact on me.”
Miss Cooky looked around at her new kitchen and wiped tears from her eyes. “Look at my castle, just look at it. But Paul’s not here to enjoy it.”
“That’s true,” Jenna replied. “But you get to enjoy it. You deserve this house. Don’t let anyone tell you that you’re not valuable. You are more than worthy.”
Hurricanes and other storms often bring death and destruction. But out of the devastation, God’s blessings emerge. James 1:2-4 reminds us, “Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.”
I suspect, this week, Miss Cooky, John, and Jenna grew in their faith, becoming more steadfast, perfect, and complete. Even in a storm, God is faithful.
Last week I had the opportunity to substitute teach a classroom full of 1st graders at a local Christian school. My wife said I was crazy for taking this on—a “glutton for punishment.” She’s not wrong. Signing up to teach and corral 19 six and seven-year-olds on their first full week of school is fraught with danger. It’s eight hours of non-stop instructing, correcting, and keeping your head on a swivel. At the end of each day, I wanted to lie in a fetal position on the floor of my bedroom closet and not talk to anyone or answer any questions. By Friday afternoon, my appreciation for full-time teachers was at an all-time high. They are underpaid and underappreciated.
Still, it was an amazing week. In Matthew 18:3, Jesus said, “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” High stakes—He’s got my attention. But what does He mean by that? His charge, on the surface, sounds counter-intuitive. Shouldn’t 1st graders strive to become more like you and me? Perhaps in some ways. But this week reminded me of how much I can learn from a 1stgrader…
1st Graders are dependent on others and know it. These young people are at the mercy of their parents, teachers, and others to provide for them and sustain them. For 450 minutes each day last week, they humbly came to me for help tying shoes, opening milk cartons, microwaving chicken nuggets, making capital letters, and a hundred other tasks. They trusted me to do the right thing and help them solve each challenge. Similarly, God wants us to totally rely on Him. Too often, I strive for self-sufficiency. I pat myself on the back for some achievement, forgetting that every talent and ability I have comes from God. Apart from Jesus—the vine—I am nothing. (John 15:5) I need to empty myself, trust God, and humbly ask Him to fill me and sustain me. Without Him, I’m left with untied shoes and unopened milk cartons.
1st Graders are vulnerable and transparent. On Monday morning, the second day of school, I asked the students to complete a “First Day Feelings with Chester” chart. One by one, they indicated whether, on day one, they were mostly “Excited,” “Happy,” “Sad,” or “Scared.” Eleven of the 19 students, over half the class, admitted to being either “Sad” or “Scared.” Several commented that they missed their parents or were nervous about what to expect on the first day of a new school year. I appreciated their honesty and vulnerability. Too often, when someone asks how we’re doing, we say, “Fine,” even when things are not fine. We put on our happy faces, especially in church settings, and rarely ask for prayers or help. Here’s the problem: I can’t bear your burden (Galatians 6:2) if I don’t know what burdens you, and you can’t do the same for me. Whenever things are not “fine,” a 1st grader will let you know. Let’s learn from them and get the prayers and support we need.
First Day Feelings
1st Graders are loving. Oh, sure, there were moments of unkindness—not sharing or not including someone in a game at recess. But there were far more moments of kindness. As they lined up in the hallway waiting for their turn at the restroom on Tuesday, one young lady informed me that her friend was sad. Sure enough, there was another young lady in line with her head down, crying. I hadn’t noticed her but her friend had. She trusted me to investigate and do something to remedy the situation, which I did. Do we notice hurting friends? Do we do something to help them or involve someone who can? Do we pray for them? Becoming like a child involves having the sweet, caring heart of a child.
1st Graders are curious and eager to learn. I love the joy on a child’s face when they work hard and finally figure something out. These young people watched and listened intently as I illustrated on the smartboard how prayer is us talking to God and reading the Bible is God talking to us. Later, one girl proudly and correctly used the word “cooperation” in a sentence—a word we had learned that morning. As I asked them questions after each page of a picture book I read to them, every hand went up. Without prompting, most of them thought to grab their little Bibles before going to chapel. Throughout the week, they listened, learned, and wanted me to know that they had learned. Do we have that same attitude toward Bible study? Do we hunger and thirst for righteousness? (Matthew 5:6) Or, in the realm of religion, are we content that we already know all that we need to know? I need a 1st grader’s eagerness to never stop learning, especially about God.
1st Graders are quick to rejoice and quick to forgive. We had a lot of fun last week. I’m finding I often relate more to children than adults—I don’t know what that says about me! I taught these children a class chant. Whenever I said, “Booga, booga, booga!” they said, “Ah, ah, ahhhh!” (I learned that at Air Force basic training.) I let them rename me for a day, and they chose “Mr. Chicken Head”—which caused more than a little confusion when one parent asked her child who taught them that day. At recess, I sat in the grass with a dozen girls and told them fanciful stories that I made up on the fly. They giggled when I informed them that Elf on the Shelf, during the off-season, lives in the pipes under the bathroom. I told them about Santa getting stuck in the chimney on Christmas Eve at “Molly’s” house, but Molly couldn’t hear him because she was snoring. Molly raised her hand and informed me that it couldn’t have been her because she had surgery to remove her adenoids. I stand corrected. We took a hike around the campus, turned over rocks, and chased butterflies. With each discovery and each story, the children laughed. They were full of joy. And when a classmate said or did something unkind to them, they were quick to forgive and move on as if nothing had happened. Do we rejoice in the Lord always? (Philippians 4:4) Do we still marvel at the amazing things in God’s creation? (Psalm 19:1) Do we forgive one another, as the Lord has forgiven us? (Colossians 3:13) I’ve got some work to do.
“Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.”
“Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.” – 1 Thessalonians 5:11
David Schilling, a local youth minister, stepped onto Knoxville Christian School’s gymnasium floor to conduct chapel. As impressionable students looked on, he retrieved a beach ball and unrolled 30 feet of butcher block paper. He invited his son, a student at the school, to attempt to roll the beach ball the entire length of the paper without it going out of bounds. His son’s first attempt rolled halfway down the paper and then veered off to the left. His next try went two-thirds of the way and then faded off to the right.
Despite his son’s lack of success in completing the challenge, David made the task even more difficult. Halfway down the paper, he tore it in two and put the second half of the pathway at an angle. Unfortunately, his son’s third try was his worst yet. His ball was unable to negotiate the turn and once again went off course.
Life is like that. With all the twists and turns, staying on track seems impossible. There are temptations and bad influences all around us. We face unanticipated hurdles and roadblocks. In 2 Timothy 4:7, the Apostle Paul tells us, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” As difficult as it is to stay on the straight and narrow path, how can we follow his lead and finish the race?
With his son holding the beach ball at the starting line, David invited the entire 1st-grade class to join them on the gymnasium floor. He distributed about a dozen pool noodles to these students and asked them to sit along both sides of the butcher block paper—his son’s path. On his son’s fourth attempt, the beach ball went straight for several feet, and started to veer, but was kept on the path by an eager first-grader clutching a pool noodle. At the tricky turn, another student used an elbow to redirect the ball and keep it on course. To the cheers of the delighted crowd, the ball eventually crossed the finish line, and David’s son raised his fist in victory.
The note from the margin reads: The Christian journey is too difficult to travel alone. Christians need fellow Christians armed with elbows and pool noodles to help keep them on the path of faith. Those nudges are necessary though not always pleasant or appreciated at the time. Other times, Christians need to be the ones offering encouragement to help a friend finish the race. Today, let’s grab our proverbial pool noodles and look for someone to encourage and nudge along to the finish line.
“For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse.” – Romans 1:20
Do not let the things you cannot understand overwhelm the things you cannot deny.
Electricity is fascinating to me. In high school Science, we studied the attraction of protons and electrons. A colorful diagram showed electrons moving around. Somehow, that energy moves to conductive wires and travels into our homes and businesses. I can’t explain it. If you handed me the necessary supplies, I couldn’t replicate it. Though I don’t fully understand the wonder of electricity, I can’t deny it. Evidence of its existence is all around me.
Yawning is another puzzling phenomenon. There is no universally agreed-upon theory for why we yawn, even though we all do it. Our best scientists have also been unable to prove why yawning is contagious. When we see someone yawn, we tend to follow suit. Though I don’t fully understand yawning, I can’t deny that it’s real.
There are plenty of things I don’t fully understand in the realm of religion and faith:
How was Jesus fully human and fully divine at the same time?
What exactly will Heaven be like? What will we do all day?
How does God’s providence work? Why does He seem to answer certain prayers but not others?
Why do we still feel guilty after repenting?
How does our triune God function as three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit?
My inability to fully answer these questions and many others doesn’t disprove the existence of God any more than my ignorance of electricity and yawning disprove those realities. The note from the margin reads: From the precise design of the universe to the intricacies of the human body, God shouts his existence. I see Him in fulfilled Bible prophecies, complex DNA code, innate moral law, and newborn babies.
Electricity exists. Yawning happens. God is real. There’s no denying these things. Do not let the things you cannot understand overwhelm the things you cannot deny.
“Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire.” – Jennifer Lee
Reach One, Teach One (R1T1) and Mi Esperanza—two missions we support in Honduras—are, on the surface, very different. They have different missions and address different underlying problems in Honduran society. However, in addition to being faith-based, they have another thing in common. Dalton Hines and Lori Connell, the respective founders and leaders, are dealers in hope. In myriad ways, they help the men and women of Honduras develop marketable skills, a sense of purpose, and hope for the future. Hold that thought.
Dalton and his R1T1 Crew
Lori and friends
Forty-one years ago, Jennifer Lee was a miserable middle-schooler with divorced parents. She was, by her own account, “Always a mess. Stains on my clothes… knots in my hair… chubby. I was born into a very modest life. I was a kid with ADHD, terrible in school. I don’t think people ever thought I could amount to anything.”
Jennifer’s life raft was a VHS tape of Cinderella, rewatched daily for its pep talk in perseverance. “Cinderella was bullied severely and I was bullied. But she stayed true to herself, even when it was really hard. Something about the concept of fighting through it helped me. I think a lot of us get knocked down often, over and over again, in our lives.”
According to Catherine Shoard in The Guardian, “After a few stumbles, Lee ended up in New York with a job in publishing, a postgraduate degree in film, and a young daughter. When Agatha was seven, they decamped to Hollywood so that Lee could do rewrite work on the script for Disney’s Wreck-It Ralph. Two months turned into 12 years; today, Lee is chief creative officer at the company where she once temped. She won an Oscar for Frozen in 2014, which also made her the first woman ever to direct a film (which she also scripted) that made more than $1 billion.”
How do you go from a young, bullied Cinderella fan to a billion-dollar boss at Disney? You work hard and you never lose hope. Jennifer lived her famous quote, which undergirds our theme for this year’s mission trip: “Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire.”
The Apostle Paul had that fearlessness. In Ephesians 6:19-20, he writes, “that words may be given to me in opening my mouth boldly to proclaim the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains, that I may declare it boldly, as I ought to speak.” Paul could have asked for many things, including release from prison and creature comforts. Instead, his heart and mind were focused on his responsibility to be an ambassador of the gospel. He wanted to share the Good News boldly and clearly. Through words and deeds, Paul’s fearlessness and hopefulness were on full display. Throughout his ministry, Paul’s soul was on fire.
Our goal on these mission trips is not to turn the people of Honduras into billionaires. No, we’re striving for something far more ambitious and significant. We’d like to see more Hondurans become self-supporting, productive members of society and, ultimately, Christ followers. That same goal has Dalton and Lori in a lifelong pursuit of what sets their souls on fire. They are fearless dealers in hope.
My friend Tee Bolen is no stranger to poverty. His mom passed away when he was two, at which point his dad moved away to Columbia, SC, and his three siblings and a half-sister were farmed out to various families. Three ended up in orphanages. His grandmother insisted young Tee live with her, and for the next 17 years, they moved at least 17 times.
“We had no income. We would be evicted from one place and move to another, sometimes back into an earlier place. We were destitute. Everything was a struggle. I remember waking up in the morning and seeing exposed ground through the gaps in the floorboards. We didn’t have anything—only each other. We survived by picking cotton in the cotton fields. I couldn’t provide for us until I turned 12 and got a job in a shoe repair shop. Steve, I know what being dirt poor is like. I’ve been there.”
Now grown and in the final quarter of his life, Tee’s been blessed with a Christian family, Christian friends, and a comfortable standard of living. Driven by his childhood memories, a love for God, and compassion for his fellow man, he is determined to “pay it forward.” He wants to lessen the burden of others in need. For the second consecutive year, Tee and his wife Mary paid for a home to be built for a poverty-stricken person or family in Honduras. When I start to shower praise on Tee for his generosity, he cuts me off.
“Listen, this isn’t about me. This isn’t even my money. This is God’s money. He’s entrusted it to me for a short while, and I think He’s curious what I’m going to do with it. Well, let me tell you what I’m not going to do—keep it all to myself and build bigger barns. Not when there are people around me in need.”
A desire to “pay it forward” isn’t Tee’s only motivation for donating a home. His friend, Jewel Clifton, is nearing the end of a long battle with cancer.
Two months ago, Tee told me, “Jewel is a dear Sister in Christ. She’s frail and will be getting her heavenly reward soon. I want this house to be built in her honor. As she prepares to move into the room Jesus has prepared for her, someone she’ll never meet will move into an earthly home in Honduras. I doubt Jewel will live long enough to see the home built this summer in her honor, but she’ll know it is coming. I hope that brings her comfort.”
When I informed Dalton Hines, our full-time missionary on the ground in Honduras, of Tee’s donation and Jewel’s situation, his response was immediate. Rather than wait for the summer rotation of mission teams to build the house, Dalton and his local construction crew would complete the project within two weeks. Even better, they would use the project to create a house-building instructional video for future TORCH mission teams to use.
Dalton wasn’t done yet—his brain never rests. He’s as attuned to the needs of others as anyone I’ve ever met. He’s also extremely capable and resourceful—Central America’s MacGyver. On any given day, you’ll find him vetting future homeowners, stocking a tilapia farm, installing a water filtration system for a poor community, or mentoring his young students to build like carpenters and live like Christ.
Dalton suggested his team build the Tee Bolen-donated home for Israel, a 29-year-old Honduran. Although TORCH Missions typically builds homes for families, not older single guys, Israel’s situation is unique. His parents abandoned him as a boy and he is, for the most part, uneducated and borderline special needs. For many years, he bounced around, seemingly unloved. He was homeless—a classic poor beggar, struggling to survive.
When Israel was 8 years old, he became friends with Christian, whose family agreed to take him in. That was his first big break. Later, as an adult, Israel was allowed to stay in a room on the family compound. Still struggling on many levels, he paid a modest amount for rent but was unable to fully provide for himself or get ahead. Christian’s family continued attending to Israel’s physical and emotional needs with love and acceptance. They are, to him, the eyes, hands, and feet of Jesus. They are the only real family he’s ever had. Their son Christian eventually went to work for Dalton, which would turn out to be Israel’s second big break.
While Dalton and his expert construction crew can build a home for someone in about four hours (three if they’ve had coffee), they took their time on Israel’s new house. The construction lasted several days, with Dalton narrating each phase of construction to the camera for the benefit of future TORCH teams. Over the course of several nights, Israel slept on the building materials to prevent theft. Having been homeless for so many years, he was comfortable being alone, staring into the night sky. I can only imagine what went through his head as the prospect of becoming a homeowner began to take shape.
Dalton and Israel
That brings me back to Tee Bolen, who has never met Israel, Dalton, or Christian and his family. He probably never will, this side of Heaven. He may never make it to Honduras to see Israel’s now-completed home in person. Pictures will have to suffice. But Tee trusts God. He knows that God can do more with his money than he could ever think or imagine. And that makes Tee more than just a friend to me—he’s a role model and a hero.
Friends, we serve an awesome God!
God heard the cries of a homeless, hungry 8-year-old Honduran boy and led him to a loving family.
God touched the heart of an older American man, once poor himself, and led him to make a generous donation.
God gave an American missionary the wisdom and heart to join the various pieces of this puzzle together into a beautiful masterpiece.
As a result, tonight Israel will fall asleep in his very own home. As he looks down on the wooden floor, there will be no gaps or exposed ground. I picture him smiling.
And sometime soon, Tee’s friend Jewel will get a new body and a new, permanent home—with Jesus by her side. I suspect she’ll be smiling too.
“Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” – Matthew 18:3
I had a play date with my friend, Ham, recently. Every few months, we hang out to watch dinosaur videos on YouTube, launch ping pong balls at each other in the basement, and debate how long Godzilla would last against T-Rex. Our outings give his home-schooling mom a respite and sharpen me in my new grandfather role. I’m told Ham approaches his “Tio Steve” time with great anticipation.
His mom, Erika, dropped him off at Mr. Gatti’s Pizza, handed me his car seat, and wished me luck. Our itinerary included a pizza buffet, a one-hour journey to Gatlinburg (listening to dinosaur noises on YouTube along the way), and a couple of hours at a 30,000-square-foot arcade! At 1:00 p.m., though, my immediate need was food, and a plate with seven pieces of pizza atop a bed of salad awaited me.
I’ve prayed before most of the few dozen meals I’ve eaten at Mr. Gatti’s through the years. With a ravenous appetite and the scent of pizza engulfing my bowed head, my “Mr. Gatti’s prayers” are succinct—usually under seven seconds. But on this day, Ham offered to bless our food.
My buddy Ham’s prayers are neither succinct nor trite. This one lasted three minutes. He thanked God for the food which, frankly, met the minimum requirement for a Mr. Gatti’s prayer. He then asked God to “help all the people in this restaurant to come to know Jesus.” As I contemplated that utterance, he added, “And God, please be with that man sitting over there who is having trouble breathing. He’s on a machine.” As Ham continued, I opened my right eye. Sure enough, across from us near the salad bar, an elderly man ate pizza and breathed machine-supplied oxygen through his nose.
I hadn’t noticed the elderly man or any of Mr. Gatti’s patrons. They were just a generic conglomeration of humanity—a mass of strangers having lunch. So focused on the feast awaiting me, I didn’t contemplate their relationship with Jesus or the condition of their souls. I paid them no mind.
Ham, a 7-year-old, not only noticed the diners collectively and individually but prayed for them. The note from the margin reads: Watch the children around you. You might just learn from them.
“Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men.” – Colossians 3:23
Steve Harvey shares an oversized truth using the minuscule flea. According to Mr. Harvey, fleas have a 36-inch vertical leap, which is higher than the average human’s leap.
If you capture a flea, put him in a mayonnaise jar, and put a lid on it, the flea will attempt his usual 3-foot jump. Over and over, he’ll keep jumping and keep hitting his head on the lid. But after a while, after getting knocked down repeatedly, the flea adjusts. He begins to only jump to where he won’t get knocked down. His lid—his environment—now has him jumping not nearly as high as he could.
The flea sires a flea family, who join him in jumping just shy of the jar’s roof. That’s all they know—they’ve been born into the conditions of their environment. Despite having 36-inch vertical leaps, they duplicate Dad’s behavior. The fleas never reach their potential.
Some of you may have been born into mediocre environments. Perhaps your family’s church attendance was a sometimes occurrence, so long as other higher priorities didn’t get in the way. Maybe “punching the clock” was the goal, rather than being actively involved in ministry. Perhaps your teenage siblings and closest friends were all sexually active. That low standard of behavior was the norm in the environment you grew up in. You assumed that’s what all teens do.
Perhaps you came of age in a mediocre church environment. The worship felt routine and passionless. If the Spirit was present, He was confined to the pantry. The Christians around you seemed to approach faith like a country club membership. You showed up, followed a lifeless routine, returned home, and then repeated the process. There was no sense of urgency in reaching and impacting the community, much less the world. Your Christian “role models” were content to jump only to the top of the spiritual jar, so you followed suit.
Steve Harvey concludes, “Until you take the top off your mayonnaise jar, you’re going to duplicate your surroundings.” The note from the margin reads: We mustn’t allow ourselves to be limited by the mediocre spiritual environments we grew up in. We must work heartily for the Lord.
It’s time to overcome our imperfect pasts and blow the lid off our faith! It’s time to let God help us reach our full potential!
“Now when Job’s three friends heard of all this evil that had come upon him, they came each from his own place, Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the Shuhite, and Zophar the Naamathite. They made an appointment together to come to show him sympathy and comfort him. And when they saw him from a distance, they did not recognize him. And they raised their voices and wept, and they tore their robes and sprinkled dust on their heads toward heaven. And they sat with him on the ground seven days and seven nights, and no one spoke a word to him, for they saw that his suffering was very great.” – Job 2:11-13
Job’s friends should have stopped there. They rightly traveled to him to show sympathy and comfort in his time of need. For seven days and nights, they were content to be present with him in silence. What they didn’t realize was that their presence was enough. In subsequent chapters, we find them talking foolishly—misadvising, misunderstanding the meaning behind his suffering, and not being all that helpful. They should have kept quiet.
Mere presence is underrated. When it comes to the suffering of a friend, family member, or even a stranger, we want to do something about it. I like the way author Debbie Hall puts it: “Presence is a noun, not a verb; it is a state of being, not doing. States of being are not highly valued in a culture that places a high priority on doing. Yet, true presence or ‘being with’ another person carries with it a silent power—to bear witness to a passage, to help carry an emotional burden, or to begin a healing process. In it, there is an intimate connection with another that is perhaps too seldom felt in a society that strives for ever-faster ‘connectivity.’”
The silent power of just being with someone—have you felt that? You don’t try to explain the meaning behind their tragedy. You don’t offer a 5-point plan for them to move beyond their grief. You don’t tell them how their miscarriage, divorce, or illness is just like something you experienced years ago. You just sit there. You listen. You let them grieve. Maybe you offer a hug or a shoulder to cry on. You’re present.
Allow me to apply the principle to funerals. Write this down: Always go to the funeral. Always. I say that as someone who dislikes funerals to my core. In my ideal world, the only funeral I would attend would be my own. I don’t like community mourning—I’d prefer to grieve alone in the corner of my closet. I don’t know what to say to the next-of-kin, especially when the deceased was not a person of faith. It’s awkward at best… and sad. The two hours of sobbing remembrances for someone I hardly knew are tedious. I don’t even like putting on a coat and tie. Still, whenever possible, I go to the funeral.
Why? Because it’s not about me! To become more like Jesus, I need to act more like Him and less like myself. I need to follow His Word rather than my instincts. Regardless of inconvenience, I need to carry the burdens of others (See Galatians 6:2).
As writer and poet Deirdre Sullivan puts it, “Do the right thing even when you don’t feel like it. Make the small gesture, even if you don’t have to and definitely don’t want to. I’m talking about things that represent only inconvenience to me, but the world to the other guy. You know, the painfully underattended birthday party, etc. In my humdrum life, the daily battle hasn’t been good versus evil. It’s hardly so epic. Most days, my real battle is doing good versus doing nothing.”
I think she’s on to something. It’s unlikely I will wake up tomorrow with an insatiable desire to rob a bank, lie to my spouse, or murder someone. Oh, I’ll be tempted by things, for sure. And I’ll sin, but you probably won’t hear about it. It won’t make the news. Most of the time, my evil ways are discreet. But, like Sullivan, my greater battle—my bigger temptation—is apathy. I see a need and don’t meet it. I have an opportunity to serve or encourage or get involved and I don’t take it. Too often, I’m unwilling to even be… present.
When a friend is in crisis, should you go? Should you intrude on a loved one’s personal phase of grief? Unless specifically told otherwise (and maybe even then), go! Just go. Just be there. Go to the funeral. Go to the bedside. Go to the disaster zone. Whenever possible—wherever there are hurting, grieving people—be there. If torn on whether to go, go. Don’t hesitate to be with someone in need, even if there’s nothing you can “do” for them. Err on the side of being there.
John 3:30 states, “He must increase, but I must decrease.”