About Us


 Big Steve and Lil Jan met at the freshmen mixer on their first day at Lipscomb University in 1984, were married 4 years later, and have been together ever since.

Janet was born in Spartanburg, SC, and spent her childhood as a “preacher’s kid” in South Carolina and Tennessee, eventually graduating from Franklin County High School.  She loves horseback riding, traveling and reading Christian fiction.  She has worked in a variety of administrative positions, most recently as the Admissions Director at Foundation Christian Academy.

Steve was born at Dover AFB, DE, and spent his childhood traveling the globe as an Air Force brat.  He spent 23 years in the Air Force himself, retiring as a colonel in 2011.  After working with church youth groups with Janet for more than 2 decades, he became a part-time Youth Minister at Bell Shoals Church of Christ and also taught Bible, Leadership, and a variety of other subjects at Foundation Christian Academy.  He’s active in prison ministry and volunteers with the Churches of Christ Disaster Response Team. He enjoys hiking, writing, and traveling.  In September 2016, he completed a thru-hike of the 2189.1 mile Appalachian Trail.

Steve and Janet’s Air Force and subsequent adventures have taken them to 49 states and 26 countries.  They’ve been stationed in Oklahoma, Georgia, Texas, Illinois, Alabama, Germany, Virginia, and Florida.  During that time, they raised two sons, Jason and Kyle.  Jason is married to Rachel, writes computer code, and lives in Elkin, NC. Kyle is married to Laci and is the Preaching Minister for the Lafayette Church of Christ in Missouri. They have a precious 1-year-old son, Bradford.

In 2015 Steve and Janet decided to sell their home, unload most of their possessions, buy an RV, and set out on a cross-country journey.  In 2019, they settled down again in Maryville, TN. Regardless of where they call home, their goal is to try to share God’s love and make a small difference in the lives of people they meet along the way.




11 thoughts on “About Us”

  1. Hi,
    A few friends and I were doing a day hike yesterday in Harriman state park (NY) yesterday and we met Steve.

    So Im posting here to say and I will follow this blog to get updates on Steve’s long AT progress.

    thank you

    1. Great to meet you guys yesterday! I’m glad my beard made you think I was Jewish! Thanks for reading my blog.

  2. Fob,

    That trail is absolutely wonderful. I could keep pushing adjectives but any attempt to describe its sublime spectrum would fall far short. so rather than piling on descriptive elements like confetti, I find recognizing the genuine passion of the hikers the best means of illustrating the monumental breadth of the Appalachian trail.
    I met hikers riddled with bug bites with smiles so big they could catch wind. Yesterday I came across a young man with ankles so exhausted they slanted awkardly and rose a pity out of me . But then I happened to noticed how proudly he stood. After so many miles he was still anxious and ready to pocket more mileage. I met another fellow that I nearly dragged into a brook violently to scrub him clean. but as he recited his travels all those tatters, bruises, and unsightly qualities became honorable testaments to his perseverance in the face of challenge. I also met a frustated hiker wandering in woods without a map. he struggled along, up and down, through and over. Burdened under a backpack like atlas, he clawed ahead looking for some form of clarity or escape. whatever his problems were, they weighed in on him like that backpack. But he couldn’t just put it down. I’m sure he wanted to ,especially after a long day of hiking. the fact of the matter is he needed that backpack. He was safer and stronger with the backpack than without it. Maybe the same could be said of his frustrations and the solution to his problems were not there tucked away in the thick of the ridge tackily buried beneath an “X”. Instead -the answer was in each person he met. It was thirsty, tired, itching, out of breath and sore. it was – inspiration! and it was real and palpable, abundant, and always smiling.

    Happy trails and god bless,


    1. Beautifully written, my friend! The people on the trail are the best part of it. Each of them has a unique story and are an inspiration in some way. I enjoyed tenting by you and talking. I hope the rest of your section hike goes well.

  3. My hiking group passed Big Steve (FOB) on the Massachusetts section of the AT. He was heading towards the Upper Goose Pond Cabin. We told him that we would post a message to say that he is well. He looks great, and told us that he’s shed 44 pounds. Good luck to him, and we’ll be following his progress.

    Silver Scramblers

    1. I enjoyed chatting with your group today! I made it to the Cookie Lady’s house and had cookies, eggs, ice cream and soda. Nice end to a 21 mile day!

  4. Steve — Please drop me an email when convenient. I am a former student of your Dad’s at Hixson High School and would love to correspond with you — I have searched a long time after losing touch with him. I recently spoke of his influence on my life at my promotion ceremony. Thanks for all you do and I look forward to talking with you.


  5. I’m a teacher at Foundation Christian and I just wanted to tell you thank you for sharing The Walls Close In poem. We were all very moved and touched by it. You still have an impact at FCA and are a legend here haha. Thank you and God bless.

    1. Thank you, Lushi! Glad you enjoyed the poem. I have such fond memories of my years teaching at FCA. I don’t think there’s a more important endeavor that one can be engaged in than the molding and shaping of young lives to know and follow Christ. Thank you for what you do…it matters.

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